Studio Outboard

Studio Outboard

We’ve got a massive selection of Studio Outboard gear here at Andertons including Preamps, Channel Strips, Compressors and Gates and any other studio outboard accessories you can think of.

Studio outboard gear is the best way to make the most of your DAW and recording setup at home by injecting real analogue gear into the signal chain. Preamps and compressors will all make a massive difference to the sound of any audio source. They’ll warm it up and give the audio a distinctive character than you’ll struggle to get without the correct outboard gear.

We’ve got pro and entry-level solutions for any application. Whether you’re putting together a massive recording studio or simply want to bolster the sound of your bedroom recordings.

Brands like Universal Audio, Warm Audio, Rupert Neve and Golden Age all come to mind when talking about Studio Outboard gear but newcomers like Two Notes (the creators of the Two Notes Torpedo) are also making waves in the industry.

The Two Notes Torpedo and Universal Audio Ox Box are both amp attenuators that pro studios all around the world are using to make guitar recording easier than ever and if you’re after a solution to improve your guitar recording process, are definitely worth a look.