Gibson SG Tribute Guitars

Gibson SG Tribute Guitars

The Gibson SG Tribute pays tribute to one of the most iconic Electric Guitars in music history. The SG Tribute features Mahogany bodies and snappy-sounding Maple necks, for excellent sustain and top-end presence respectively. Installed with vibrant-sounding 490 series pickups, these humbuckers are well-suited for overdriven tones in particular. The traditional 2 tones/2 volumes control layouts on these guitars gives you plenty of room to manipulate your tones on-the-fly too.

Similar to the SG Tribute, you can get that classic SG look and sound from the Gibson SG Standard and Gibson SG Standard '61 range. For the guitarist looking to get modern appointments on the Gibson SG, check out the Gibson SG Special and Gibson SG Modern series.