Vox Amps

Vox Amps

History Of Vox

Vox was started in the 50’s by guitarist Dick Denny. He wanted to design an amp that could offer guitarists of the time enough volume and sustain to cut through a mix and be heard in bigger venues. With rock n’ roll on the rise in the early 60’s, Vox realised that they needed more power for the London bands of the time than the first AC15 amp. That’s when the AC30 was born with 4 inputs and 2 channels; Normal and Vibrato. Made to give plenty of volume when needed.

The unforgettable jangling sounds that The Beatles coaxed from their Vox AC30s re-wrote the history books. This laid the foundation for the company and since 1962 they’ve only ever been on the up.


The flagship of the Vox range is their AC30 and AC15 amps. These powerful tube amps boast bold clean & gritty tones with a character unique to Vox. When paired with pedals and the right guitar you get a sound that can only be described as magical. These amps are throaty but warm sounding and easily cut through the mix without ever sounding harsh.

But Vox aren’t one trick ponies because they’ve also revolutionised the practice amp world with their Valvetronix amp range which uses digital amp modelling technology to recreate authentic tube amp sounds for home use with all of the effects you’d ever want.
On top of that they’ve also got the AV line of analogue Vox amps. These amps have a similar wiring to a tube amp but with warm sounding analogue chips rather than tubes. You get a clean and clear sound that stays true to ‘that’ Vox tone.

They also have the Amplug range which is a device that plugs into your guitar and sends a headphone signal so that you can practice without disturbing the neighbours.