Best Studio Monitors for Under £500

Best Studio Monitors for Under £500

Studio monitors are a staple in any studio, as they're designed to accurately reproduce your music - allowing you to check any imbalances in your mix. Studio monitors (also referred to as "nearfield") are mainly “active", meaning the power amplifier is built into the speaker cabinet. You will need to connect them to a line source with volume control to hear the sound, such as an audio interface or a sound card. 

For under £500 you can get a set of studio monitors from the best brands, such as Adam Audio, Genelec, and KRK. When choosing the size of your speakers, consider the space in your room. Usually, monitors between 5" and 7" work well in a medium-sized room, if you have a bigger space, consider opting for 8" and above.

If you want to know everything about nearfield studio monitors, we made a handy guide to answer all of your questions.