Guitar Pedals

Cab Simulator Pedals

With many modern guitarists looking for effective ways to downsize their rigs, cab simulator pedals have seen a sharp rise in popularity. Here at Andertons Music Co. we have a solid selection!

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Cab Simulator Pedals

Having a huge guitar rig may look impressive, but trying to transport cumbersome cabinets to gigs can be tricky. To help players make their setups more portable and ergonomic, many guitar pedal companies now produce their very own cab sim pedals.

These powerful stompboxes can be used to replace amp cabinets, meaning that you can have an essential part of your rig literally at your feet!

Cabinet simulator pedals purely emulate the tonal characteristics of guitar cabs. A lot of these pedals come with multiple presets, recreating the sounds emitted by 1x12", 2x12" and 4x12" cabs, as well as different speaker types.

These pedals are therefore most apt at the end of pedalboard chains, with their outputs sent straight to PA systems for live performance, or into audio interfaces for direct recording. A lot of these pedals are very genuine-sounding and are versatile tools for tone experimentation, with some allowing you to import your very own third-party impulse responses.